Because Our Voices Matter

Build a space for neurodiverse children


Our Mission is to empower parents of hi-cap children to nurture their intellectual, social, and emotional development and to advocate for their educational needs in Snoqualmie Valley. We celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of every neurodiverse child and hope to connect parents of these children with opportunities and resources needed to reach their full potential.

We endeavor to be strictly a parent group, unaffiliated with the school district or PTAs so that we can create a safe space for parents to communicate their needs. The National Association for Gifted Children guides us on starting and sustaining a parent group to support gifted children. They suggest that parent groups can provide a platform for advocacy, support, and education for both parents and children.



— We Find & Fund

We help locate resources and solutions needed to build sustainable enrichment for highly capable and neurodiverse children. Funding capabilities will be added as soon as our group establishes a non-profit status.


— We Network

Monthly meet ups and play dates, social media updates, newsletters and minecraft weekends – and so much more! We work hard to provide a sense of belonging in our group so these friendships and connections last a lifetime!


— We Strengthen

A community that understands the needs and quirks of our kids.


— We Educate​

Meeting families that are new in the valley or have been identified as gifted/neurodiverse/highly-capable. We make sure that we make this path easier for those coming up.


— We Provide Care​

We take concerns and issues raised by parents to the school district and help arrive to a solution.


— We Consult​

We seek advice from experts in highly-capable education, and organizations such as NAGC, NWGC, SENG, and so much more.


My kid finally found his tribe!

My son enjoys being a part of a group that shares the same thirst of knowledge and curiosity he has. I am so grateful to have found this little community at last! Without the warm welcome and information in this group my first year in STREAM would certainly have been really different

Thank you for always being there!

2e has its own unique challenges. Knowing that there is a group that holds no judgement, has such deep empathy for their struggles, and is always willing to lend a hand gave us hope for our bright and quirky little kiddo. So glad to have such friends!